Monday, March 26, 2007

Lest We Forget

In case you missed it, here is an interesting item from Taranto's "Best of the Web". This is an excerpt from a Reuters (you know the guys who refuse to call terrorists terrorists) article about a Vermonter who goes door-to-door collecting signatures for a petition demanding further investigation into the government's role in 9/11:

Doug Dunbebin, who walked door-to-door collecting signatures to get the question onto the town meeting ballot, said there are still unanswered questions about September 11, 2001, when hijacked plane attacks killed 2,992 people at New York's World Trade Center, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.

What's so interesting about this item is the number of people killed cited. The official tally of victims is 2,973. So where did Reuters come up with 2,992?

2,973 innocent victims + 19 "mass-murdering f**kheads" (to borrow a phrase from Eddie Izzard) = 2,992

Bravo, Reuters, you champion of moral relativism! Bravo!

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